Virus and Spyware Removal

Viruses are malicious programs designed to make changes to your computer without your knowledge or permission. Removing viruses, trojans or spyware from a device is a time consuming and difficult process. If not handled properly, it can cause data loss. Our specialized technicians work with extra care when it comes to virus removal. If necessary, all data is backed up before proceeding with the cleaning process.

We clean your computer quickly and responsibly using the top Virus and Malware detection programs. In case you do not have antivirus, we install a fully functional free trial version.


  • We clean your device from malware, spyware and virus.
  • We remove pop-ups and advertisements from your computer.
  • Clear cookies and temporary files used by browsers.
  • Αφαιρούμε add-ons και γραμμές εργαλείων από browsers.